Scalp Optic Hair EN®
Thinning hair, hair loss, baldness or bare spots can often lower one’s self-confidence.
Not only related to increasing age, but also because of illness, people lose their magnificent head of hair and spend hours in the bathroom trying to hide spots that seem to stand out, or to create an illusion that there is hair again existing. Most disturbing is not only thinning, scarce hair, but bright areas of scalp shine through.
Among women a beautiful, trendy hairstyle, based on thick hair stands for youth, power and dignity, but unfortunately this is affected and reduced among many ladies going through the menopause.
Men’s hair fullness is often associated with masculinity and potency. In the cases total scalp hair loss, only few people can handle it well.
What is “Scalp Optic Hair®” (“SOH”)?
Basically, it is a permanent make-up treatment with various added values.
On the one hand it will beautify, because it seems, there would be more hair growing again. The color of the dot pattern on the scalp is adapted to the tone of color of the natural surrounding hair.
The result is an optical effect that leads to the impression of a higher hair density or the development of very short hair growing in case of a bald head.
On the other hand, if under the scalp or the some hair roots are still present, these are the hair follicle can be stimulated in the by the treatment on the hair follicle with the needles. That means, after a treatment hair growth can occure again under favourable conditions.
In summary, the treatment effect is terrific! On the one hand after the treatment the hair looks thick again and on the other hand it can grow intensified again due to the possible stimulation of the follicles. With thick hair self-confidence again increases and it is a delight to look daily into the mirror again.
Here you can download our SOH customer folder as a PDF file! SOH-customer folder english
Revolution for Men & Women

This special technique is performed with single and multiple needles by using an optical effect to fight against sparsely grown hair spots. The color of the dot pattern onto the scalp is adapted to the existing hair tone of color, giving more volume and letting it appear fuller. In many cases, hair growth will be stimulated out of the follicles through this unique treatment..
You will feel again as a fully established member oft he society with more self-confidence after a successful treatment, allowing you to rediscover yourself.